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protect your love one


We continue to monitor the latest novel coronavirus (COVID-19) updates from the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP). We have implemented protocols consistent with MOHAP guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of the care we provide to our patients.

• corona Virus Update •

COVID-19 and Vaccine Information

DOCFAB Health + uniCare wishes all our patients and their families the very best in 2022 and shares some essential information for the new year regarding the COVID-19. 

stop the spread

The UAE is reporting record numbers of new COVID-19 cases. The Omicron variant is spreading quickly. Please follow the DHA, MOHAP, and  CDC’s recommendations for staying safe and the latest updates. 

If you are eligible, we urge you to get a booster shot. Initial data indicates that it considerably increases your protection against Omicron and other variants.

Read the latest vaccine information and schedule your appointment.

• Information about COVID-19•


Got a Question about covid-19?
This page will be frequently updated with COVID-19 information and resources for our local markets.

Our commitment to your health and safety comes first. We continue to monitor the latest updates and are prepared to safely screen, isolate and care for patients with respiratory illness, including COVID-19. Our precautions include: 

  • Educating providers and clinical teams on the latest MOHAP/DHA/NCEMA guidelines.
  • Screening all patients at care entry points and facilities.
  • Enacting universal masking within all our facilities. 
  • Following enhanced hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection protocols.
  • Putting physical distancing measures in place.

You can trust that we are taking every precaution to keep you safe. Please remember that it is important to act upon any warning signs of serious illness and seek medical care immediately. Even during a pandemic, you can trust that we are ready to deliver safe, high quality care.

According to MOHAP/DHA/NCEMA/CDC/WHO, not everyone with COVID-19 shows symptoms. Reported illnesses have ranged from asymptomatic (no symptoms) to mild symptoms to severe illness. Here is a list of some possible symptoms that may appear 2-14 days after exposure:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea  

Follow MOHAP Guidelines for prevention, which include:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and people who don’t live in your household.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others to protect other people in case you are infected. Remember, you could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick or have symptoms. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not available.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Monitor your health daily and be alert for symptoms.

Watch these informative videos from the CDC regarding COVID-19:

I Wear a Mask Because”  

How to wear your mask”  

Stop the spread of germs” 

First, it’s helpful to know what it means to be “exposed” to COVID-19. This is how the CDC defines close contact with someone with COVID-19:

  • Within 6 ft for a total of 15 minutes or more
  • Care at home of someone with COVID-19
  • Direct physical contact such as hugging/kissing
  • Sharing eating/drinking utensils
  • Someone with COVID-19 sneezed/coughed on you

If this is you, but you’re not yet experiencing any symptoms, you should quarantine. The intent of quarantine is to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 and is NOT currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 to stay away from others. They need to stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health and follow the directions of local/state health departments.

Because local public health authorities determine and establish quarantine options, please consult local/state guidelines to make sure you follow them. The CDC outlines their recommended options for quarantine as follows. The gold standard is 14 days of quarantine; however this may be decreased to 10 days if it will make it easier for people to comply (e.g., able to return to work to earn a wage) and cause less stress on the public health system.

Consideration may be given to stopping at 10 days without testing OR on day 7 AFTER receiving a negative test on day 5 or later.

People need to continue to monitor for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. If returning to work or other activities outside the home before 14 days, people need to wear a mask, maintain physical distance of six feet from others, employ frequent hand hygiene and avoid crowds.

If you are experiencing symptoms, see the next question.

If you are concerned that you or a family member have been exposed or are experiencing symptoms, take one of these steps:

  1. Call your primary care provider. You will be advised what to do next and your provider may schedule you for a virtual appointment.
  2. If you have coronavirus-related questions, are showing possible symptoms, or may have had an exposure to someone diagnosed with a positive case of COVID-19, call your primary care provider to be guided on next steps.
  3. If you have chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, a severe headache or other potentially life-threatening problems, go to the nearest emergency department or call your primary care provider for assistance.

We monitor the latest information on coronavirus and UAE guidelines in each of the communities we serve. As the pandemic evolves, our visitor policies may change over time. To ensure the safety of patients, visitors and health care workers, visitation to patients may be limited. We recognize that having family support is important for the well-being of our patients. Restrictions may be lifted when it is deemed safe for our patients, health care workers and visitors.

Patients visiting our Physicians practices and clinics are encouraged to come without visitors, but one person will be allowed to accompany the patient to a visit if needed to ensure appropriate understanding and implementation of care plans discussed at the visit or to support physical needs of the patient.

Visitors must be healthy with no signs of active illness (no fever, cough, shortness of breath or flu-like symptoms).


Together , we can stop the spread of covid-19.

Tough times never lasts, tough people do. A friendly reminder from your doctor friend. Yes I care.

Dr. Ron Fabian, MD

Unicare Medical Centre – Burjuman Mall 

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We aspire to help all our patients To Feel Better Faster .